


机械行业:平稳增长亮点犹存 (Machinery industry: steady growth highlights still exist)

机械行业:平稳增长亮点犹存 (Machinery industry: steady growth highlights still exist)

  • 分类:技术文章
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  • 发布时间:2017-11-07
  • 访问量:61

【概要描述】自2004年国家实施宏观调控以来,国内固定资产投资仍维持较高增长,加之明显的比较优势和近年来中国机械工业整体技术水平提高,国内机械产品,尤其是中低技术含量、劳动密集型产品的国外需求旺盛。但是,机械行业不同子行业面临迥然不同的下游行业需求变化,未来的分化将更加明显。  数控机床异军突起。随着冶金、电力设备、汽车行业的投资放缓,机床行业的增速势必放缓。机床制造企业特别是以普通机床为主导产品的企业。

Since the implementation of macro-control in 2004, domestic investment in fixed assets has maintained a relatively high growth, coupled with obvious comparative advantages and the improvement of the overall technical level of China's machinery industry in recent years, domestic machinery products, especially low-tech, labor-intensive products, have a strong foreign demand.
However, different sub-industries of the machinery industry are facing very different demand changes of downstream industries, and the differentiation will be more obvious in the future.
CNC machine tools are emerging.
With the slowdown of investment in metallurgy, power equipment and automobile industries, the growth of machine tool industry is bound to slow down.
Machine tool manufacturing enterprises in particular to ordinary machine tools as the leading products of the enterprise.

机械行业:平稳增长亮点犹存 (Machinery industry: steady growth highlights still exist)

【概要描述】自2004年国家实施宏观调控以来,国内固定资产投资仍维持较高增长,加之明显的比较优势和近年来中国机械工业整体技术水平提高,国内机械产品,尤其是中低技术含量、劳动密集型产品的国外需求旺盛。但是,机械行业不同子行业面临迥然不同的下游行业需求变化,未来的分化将更加明显。  数控机床异军突起。随着冶金、电力设备、汽车行业的投资放缓,机床行业的增速势必放缓。机床制造企业特别是以普通机床为主导产品的企业。

Since the implementation of macro-control in 2004, domestic investment in fixed assets has maintained a relatively high growth, coupled with obvious comparative advantages and the improvement of the overall technical level of China's machinery industry in recent years, domestic machinery products, especially low-tech, labor-intensive products, have a strong foreign demand.
However, different sub-industries of the machinery industry are facing very different demand changes of downstream industries, and the differentiation will be more obvious in the future.
CNC machine tools are emerging.
With the slowdown of investment in metallurgy, power equipment and automobile industries, the growth of machine tool industry is bound to slow down.
Machine tool manufacturing enterprises in particular to ordinary machine tools as the leading products of the enterprise.

  • 分类:技术文章
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  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2017-11-07
  • 访问量:61


Since the implementation of macro-control in 2004, domestic investment in fixed assets has maintained a relatively high growth, coupled with obvious comparative advantages and the improvement of the overall technical level of China's machinery industry in recent years, domestic machinery products, especially low-tech, labor-intensive products, have a strong foreign demand.



However, different sub-industries of the machinery industry are facing very different demand changes of downstream industries, and the differentiation will be more obvious in the future.



CNC machine tools are emerging

  随着冶金、电力设备、汽车行业的投资放缓,机床行业的增速势必放缓。机床制造企业特别是以普通机床为主导产品的企业将面临需求周期性放缓的重大压力。但是数控机床维持旺盛状态,这主要得益于替代普通机床需求与汽车、军工等技术升级增加对精密机床的需求增长。今年1~9月数控机床产值同比增长 18.40%,高于机床类产品增幅4.14个百分点。

With the slowdown of investment in metallurgy, power equipment and automobile industries, the growth of machine tool industry is bound to slow down. Machine tool manufacturing enterprises, especially those with ordinary machine tools as the leading products, will face significant pressure from the cyclical slowdown in demand. However, CNC machine tools remain robust, which is mainly due to the replacement of ordinary machine tools and the automotive, military and other technological upgrades to increase the demand for precision machine tools. From January to September this year, the output value of CNC machine tools increased by 18.40% year on year, which was 4.14 percentage points higher than that of machine tools.



However, the competitiveness of domestic CNC machine tools is in urgent need of improvement, the domestic market share is declining, mainly reflected in product quality, reliability and delivery time compared with similar foreign products there are many gaps. The number of imported processing centers is growing at a rate of more than 40% a year, and foreign products are eating into the market share of local companies. Therefore, we can only hold a "cautiously optimistic" view of domestic enterprises.



Construction machinery is still in the doldrums


In 2004, construction machinery industry entered the stage of demand contraction. After the expansion of production capacity in 2005, the market competition is further intensified. From January to September in the statistics of construction machinery products, except forklift trucks, concrete machinery, shovel transport machinery showed a recovery growth, the rest of the products are decreased.
There are many problems in the industry, such as increasing inventory, overstocked capital, increasing bad debts and brain drain. All the signs show that construction machinery is still in the industry boom trough. From January to September, 14 construction machinery enterprises achieved a total sales revenue of 20.29 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 3.6%; Net profit reached 767 million yuan, down 43.2 percent year on year.



Investors need to be reminded that the construction machinery industry will benefit from China's accelerated urbanization and massive infrastructure construction and face new market opportunities during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period. Therefore, we believe that the bottom of the construction machinery industry is coming and we expect to enter the recovery phase in the second half of 2006.



Demand for extractive machinery remains strong

  进入2005年,石油价格不断攀升,全球石油勘探和开采活动出现恢复性增长。预计2006年,采掘业中的石油和天然气开采业、煤炭行业将继续保持较快的增长。今年1—9月,我国石油天然气开采业累计投资达到908亿元,同比增长31%。我国石油机械装备业已经具备国际竞争力,并成为世界上主要的石油机械生产国,石油、天然气开采业的投资增长直接带动了钻采专用设备的快速增长。1—6月规模以上石油钻采专用设备企业实现销售收入77亿元,同比增长 45.1%。1—9月我国煤炭开采及洗选业投资达到648亿元,同比增长76.8%,带动了煤炭机械行业的快速增长。

Entering 2005, oil price rises unceasing, global oil exploration and exploitation activity appear recovery growth. It is expected that in 2006, the oil and gas mining industry and coal industry in the mining industry will continue to maintain rapid growth. From January to September this year, the accumulative investment in China's oil and gas exploitation industry reached 90.8 billion yuan, up 31% year-on-year.
China's petroleum machinery and equipment industry has already had international competitiveness, and become the world's main petroleum machinery producer, oil, natural gas exploitation industry investment growth directly led to the rapid growth of special equipment for drilling and production. From January to June, the sales revenue of oil drilling and production equipment enterprises above designated size reached 7.7 billion yuan, up 45.1% year on year. From January to September, the investment in China's coal mining and washing industry reached 64.8 billion yuan, up 76.8% year on year, driving the rapid growth of the coal machinery industry.



The manufacturing of railway transport vehicles has entered a golden period

  2005年我国铁路大规模建设开始启动,新开工项目58个,续建项目48个,总投资规模达6000多亿元。1-9月我国铁路运输业共计完成投资629 亿元,同比增长41%,铁路网建设和机车车辆购置速度都在加快。但由于车轮、摇枕侧架等关键零部件短缺,造成铁路车辆特别是新造车辆生产放缓,部分车辆制造公司如北方创业等陷入困境。但我们预计明年机车车辆制造公司的经营活动将转入正常时期。

In 2005, China's large-scale railway construction began, with 58 new projects and 48 extended projects, with a total investment of more than 600 billion yuan. Investment in China's railway transport industry totaled 62.9 billion yuan from January to September, up 41 percent year on year, as railway network construction and rolling stock purchase accelerated. However, due to the shortage of key parts such as wheels and pillow side racks, the production of railway vehicles, especially newly built vehicles, has slowed down, and some vehicle manufacturing companies, such as Northern Chuangye, have been in trouble. But we expect business activities for rolling stock companies to return to a normal period next year.



According to the medium and long-term plan of the railway network, it is estimated that the investment in China's railway construction will reach 2 trillion yuan in the next 15 years, and the proportion of rolling stock investment in the total railway investment will exceed 25% in a relatively long period of time. Therefore, China's locomotive and rolling stock manufacturing industry will be in the golden period of continuous prosperity.



Shipbuilding industry has undergone industrial upgrading


China has developed into the world's third largest shipbuilding country. Shipbuilding output in 2005 will exceed 10 million deadweight tons, accounting for about 18% of the world's shipbuilding share. It is estimated that by 2010, China's shipbuilding output will account for more than 25% of the world market share, forming the world shipbuilding pattern of China, Japan and South Korea. From January to September, China's ship production still maintained a growth rate of 30%. APPEAR ON THE MARKET WIDE SHIP INTERNATIONAL SALES INCOME AND PROFIT REALIZED SYNCHRONIZED GROWTH. Hudong Heavy Machinery, a major domestic supplier of Marine diesel engines, saw a 19% increase in sales revenue and 88.6% increase in net profit.



At present, China is becoming the manufacturing center of container and container crane in the world. More than 90% of the world's containers and more than 60% of the container cranes are produced in China. CIMC and Zhenhua Port Machinery have become the world's leading enterprises. From January to September, the sales revenue and profit of CIMC and Zhenhua Port Machinery Group both increased substantially. However, influenced by the drop in container demand, the revenue and profit of CIMC Group in the third quarter declined.



Individual attention


Pay attention to the equipment manufacturing industry of the bottleneck industry and the industrial technology upgrading industry. These two sub-industries can realize the excess returns brought by high growth while defending cyclical risks. Can focus on Jinxi Axle, Jiangzhuo shares, Tiandi Science and Technology, Hudong Heavy Machinery, Zhenhua Port Machinery, Anhui Heli and other listed companies.


污油泥处理的重要性(The importance of sludge treatment)
污油泥是指含有大量油脂和有害物质的固体废弃物,它对环境和人类的健康都造成了大的危害。因此,处理污油泥是一项非常重要的任务,它可以减轻环境负担,保护人类健康。 Oily sludge refers to solid waste containing a lot of grease and harmful substances, which has caused great harm to the environment and human health. Therefore, the disposal of sludge is a very important task in order to reduce the burden on the environment and protect human health.
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污油泥处理的作用?(The role of sludge treatment?)
任何一个行业的产生和发展都离不开科学技术的进步,这也是市场需求量不断扩大产生的对行业的促进,促使相关人员对产品的不断更新换代,那么污油泥处理的发展也是发生着日新月异的变化。 The generation and development of any industry cannot be separated from the progress of science and technology, which is also the promotion of the industry caused by the continuous expansion of market demand, prompting the relevant personnel to constantly update the products, so the development of sludge treatment is also changing with each passing day.
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污油泥处理的意义?(The significance of sludge treatment?)
像污油泥处理这些东西基本上都是工业领域用的产品,大多数我们都没有见过也没有听过,你可以说在生活中并不是很常见,但是它们在工业行业中也是发挥着不可替代的作用,那么我们在使用中首先要了解清楚的就是污油泥处理的意义,接下来就跟着我们一起来了解一下吧。 Like sludge treatment of these things are basically industrial products, most of us have not seen or heard of, you can say in life is not very common, but they also play an irreplaceable role in the industrial industry, so we should first understand the meaning of sludge treatment, Follow us to find out more about it.
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